Yay! Success
Posted by Sarah, 12th April 2012

We have been awarded by Arts Council England / National Lottery funding a grant to publish a series of bi-lingual poetry books from around the world over the next two years.
It is just over a year ago we were shocked by the news ACE were not going to award Arc with NPO status.
Almost immediately we were innundated with letters of support from friends, authors, readers, literature organisations and workers sharing our disbelief. These were hugely important to us in the following months as we picked ourselves up, dusted down and started planning the next route.
Of course it wasn't quite so simple. We had publishing commitments to meet, conferences and readings to attend and organise, so ran parallel, sometimes tri- and sept- arallel, jobs-to-do lists, for the following months.
Whirling times. And rewarded by this news. So, although it is an overegged cliche to clutch our 'Oscar' amd run through a list of thanks, we would like to thank everyone who has believed in us over the past year, who has supported us in some way, be that writing with their support, buying a book, coming to an event, chatting at a conference.
We publish because we value poetry, its community, its boundless nature, its power to cross all cultures and be alive in the world. (Kate Winslet - eat your heart out!)
So thank you for your clear conviction in us being part of that process.