Inexorable Weather
by Louis Armand
Inexorable Weather is this young Australian poet's second collection, and his first to be published in the UK. Armand is an exciting and risk-taking poet, a new voice who delights in stretching language and technique in uncharted directions to electrifying effect. This is an energetic, amusing and thought-provoking collection.
a poetry filled with guest appearances by the languages we normally delegate authority to; which know more than all of them put together.
Armand is a landscape poet with a difference. His landscapes are replete with 'anti-constructs' — concrete surfaces along with the cranes, which might be bird or mechanism. He marks 'the remoteness between signifier and land-/scape', rather than its conventional conflation. Armand, who hearkens from Australia but lives now in Prague — by way of New York — knows the 'fundamental questions' are those of locality; he poses them with an intellectual acuity and integrity, and in singular language(s) that assert pluralism and always refuse the 'seductions of amnesia'.
50 pages
ISBN 1 900072 59 9
Published January 2001