August Light
by Pete Morgan
Arc UK / Irish Poets
August Light is Pete Morgan's first full-length collection of poetry since A Winter Visitor (1983), and its publication marks the thirtieth anniversary of his first pamphlet appearance from Arc, I See You on My Arm.
Once described in the TLS as 'a genuine original' by Edna Longley, Pete Morgan demonstrates in this new collection that he still retains the place claimed for him by Martin Booth in Tribune: " of the best social poets writing in this country."
...would read love ballads and protest pieces that fitted the mood... involved a formal sophistication and sinister wit that left most pop contemporaries standing. ...a spell in hospital... haunting details of the experience... a confident lyricism still rules... arguably his best book.
There are famous poets of my generation and younger who have no idea of the debt they owe to Pete Morgan. His poems are dramatic, formally superb, funny, toughly tender, lyrical and never less than entertaining. Ted Hughes was a fan of his.
80 pages
ISBN 1-904614-23-X
Published January 2006