by Saskia Hamilton
Part of our Arc International Poets series
Canal is Saskia Hamilton's first volume of poetry to be published in the UK, and contains work from two collections previously published in America — As for Dream (2001) and Divide These (2005) — as well as new work.
Saskia Hamilton is not a quiet poet, just an extremely subtle and fierce one. There is a quality of spiritual stubbornness and astonishing resilience that courses through even her briefest utterances.
Spare, evocative, luminous, her poems register things at the edge of our attention, where dream, memory, imagination and longing pass into and through one another.
...loose-limbed and free flowing... mixes the lyric moment with a feel for narrative...
Hamilton's details are fresh and sharp and accurate; she uses simple words crisply to suggest powerful feeling.
Hamilton is able to sustain a complex narrative through stripped-down poems... leavened by a wry humor.
Nothing ever came again to warn her, Saskia Hamilton writes, and nothing comes to warn the reader of the adamantine turmoil, the ardent and articulate perceptions in these original poems... We are taken, figuratively and literally, by storm.
100 pages
ISBN 1-904614-15-9
Published January 2005