Kraków Testimonies
What happened to Kraków’s Jews? The poet Piotr Florczyk, who was born in Kraków, set himself the task of finding out, and to this end listened to recorded testimonies of Holocaust survivors from Kraków at the Visual History Archive during a period of research study at the University of Southern California’s Shoah Foundation Centre.
In the poems collected here, Florczyk retells the stories of these survivors for a new audience, exploring their interactions with their surroundings, their families, their neighbours and their oppressors.
Thus there emerges, through the work of the poet as story-teller, not only a shared history of Kraków but, for the reader, a sense of those voices that might otherwise be forgotten, speaking again in poems of extraordinary clarity and simplicity.
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Invisible is a teasing title for a collection of poetry. [Wallace] Stevens, with whose work Jacek Gutorow has a deep and sustained engagement, suggested in ‘The Creations of Sound’, that poems should ‘make the visible a little hard / To see’ […] Both Gutorow and Stevens develop a poetic medium that maintains an oscillating dialectic between the seen and the unseen. The invisible operates not as an occlusion of reality, but as an aura saturating what is described; images are gently prised from the contexts of time and place and invested with a mysterious in-between life...
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Anna Szabo is a poet of relationships and her poems are striking for their examination of female experience - the body, sex and motherhood – as well as for their philosophical depths. This translation, by the poet Clare Pollard with Anna Szabo will allow English readers to experience Szabo’s intelligent, sensuous voice.
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Eye of the Times
Paul Celan is famous as a poet whose life and work were overshadowed by the Holocaust, and the loss of his parents in a concentration camp. There have been many translations of what is generally agreed to be his very complex poetry, each reflecting a different angle of approach to what is generally agreed to be his very complex poetry. Celan was known to have a special interest in language, in the way words work and the way in which they can be misused and can misrepresent – this is why he so often revised his poetry. Jean Boase-Beier’s particular approach to translating Celan focuses on his use of words, and her illuminating introduction and her notes contextualizing each of the poems in this chapbook are invaluable in helping the reader to their own interpretation.
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Finite Formulae & Theories of Chance
Wioletta Greg's new collection, in Marek Kazmierski's attentive and nuanced translation, serves as both a moving personal testament to a family that survived, and a compelling document of a century of European history.
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Nothing More
These are poems rooted in the earth and body, beginning in a physical experience that expands into philosophical questioning. They are not polite, they do not hide their imperfections. They reveal an immediacy of expression.
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Pure Contradiction: Selected Poems
This selection of poems from throughout Rilke's creative output is arranged not chronologically, but by placing poems of similar themes and / or modes of expression close to one another, making bed-fellows of poems rarely seen together. The aim is to illuminate the underlying themes which Rilke said he had arrived at very early in his life.
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Days Full of Caves & Tigers
This selection is drawn from six collections which span Pusterla's poetic career from 1985 to 2011. Pusterla's themes are many and varied, and there is a spareness and austerity about his poetry - which one feels is more 'Alpine' than Swiss - born of the age-old struggle with a harsh natural environment.
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New Order: Hungarian Poets of the Post 1989 Generation
A major new anthology of Hungarian poets of the post-1989 generation, published in a bilingual edition with an introduction by George Szirtes. It features István Kemény, Szilárd Borbély, András Imreh, Mónika Mesterházi, Krisztina Tóth, Virág Erdos, János Térey, G. István László, Anna T. Szabó, Tamás Jánós, Orsolya Karafiáth and András Gerevich.
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Six Slovak Poets
Featuring six of Slovakia's leading poets - Jan Buzassy, Mila Haugova, Kamil Peteraj, Daniel Hevier, Peter Repka and Ivan Strpka - with an introductory essay by Igor Hochel which sets the poets within a wider literary context. This is a bi-lingual edition, with the Slovak original and John Minahane's translation into English on facing pages.
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£11.99£10.79 available
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