Anna Szabo is a poet of relationships and her poems are striking for their examination of female experience - the body, sex and motherhood – as well as for their philosophical depths. This translation, by the poet Clare Pollard with Anna Szabo will allow English readers to experience Szabo’s intelligent, sensuous voice.
- Paperback
£11.99£10.79 available
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Diary of a Divorce
This sequence of poems about the
disintegration of a marriage and its aftermath
captures how quotidian events inexorably
contribute to the breakdown of unity, identity,
and truth between partners and how they are
reforged over time within oneself. Because of
the poet’s candour, these poems aff ord the
reader a rare understanding of the processes
at work, and at the same time are both a
lament and a reclamation.
This is an exceptional debut collection.
The whole pamphlet is heartbreakingly beautiful.
... incredibly powerful, forensic and unwavering, and of course word-perfect. I'm very taken by how unexpected so many of your turns of phrase are, the way you move between powerful punches and graceful almost-analytical perspectives. A work of art...
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available
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Come to Me
This book represents Kārlis at the peak of his poetic power: gripping, vivid and not a little romantic.
- Paperback
£10.99£9.89 available - Hardback
£12.99£11.69 available
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Claiming Kindred
Scottish poet D. M. Black's first full collection since his Collected Poems 1964-87 of nearly twenty years ago. He published widely in the 1960s and 1970s, including a volume in the first Penguin Modern Poets series (with Peter Redgrove and D. M. Thomas). Stylistically wide-ranging, this collection is, by turns, moving, direct and idiosyncratic.
- Paperback
£10.99£9.89 available - Hardback out of print
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Isobel Thrilling's work is characterised by free verse, an extreme economy of language and piercing moments of insight. There are poems here which deal uncompromisingly with illness, loss and family relationships. Others set the human in a wider evolutionary context. Some are the expression of the sheer joy of living. Whatever the subject, the dedication and craftsmanship of a highly individual artist are always very much to the fore.
- Paperback
£8.00£7.20 Collectors' Corner
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