Amadou Lamine Sall Senegal
AMADOU LAMINE SALL lives in Senegal. He has been honoured with the Grand Prix of the Académie française and is widely published in Africa, France, Germany and Canada. His most recent book, Le Rêve du Bambou, was published by Éditions Feu de brousse in 2010. Kamandalu: Selected Poems, translated by Lydie and Jim Haenlin, was published by the Wells College Press. Amadou Lamine Sall is the founder and president of the Maison de la Poésie in Dakar and director of Les Éditions Feu de brousse. As an adviser to the Minister of Culture in Senegal, he works to promote poetry and the arts in schools and oversees the realisation of the Gorée Memorial Project, a UNESCO-sponsored memorial to the African diaspora during the slave trade.