Gemma Gorga Spain
Gemma Gorga i Lopez (born Barcelona, 1968) has a PhD in Philology from the University of Barcelona, where she works as a teacher. Her work is focused primarily in the field of Medieval and Renaissance literature. She has published four collections of poetry: Ocellania (Barcelona, 1997), El desordre de les mans (The Hands' Disorder, Lleida, 2003), Instruments òptics (Optical Instruments, València, 2005); and Llibre dels minuts (Book of Minutes, Barcelona, 2006), which appeared in a Catalan-Spanish bilingual edition (Libro de los minutos y otros poemas, Valencia, 2009, translated by V. Berenguer). She has also written, in collaboration with Antonio Lozano, an essay entitled La cuina natural (The Natural Kitchen, Barcelona, 2004). She has participated in various festivals and poetry readings in the Basque Country, Slovenia, Germany, Poland, Finland, Venezuela and Chile. Following a three month residence with the Sanskriti Foundation in New Delhi, she is currently working on a translation of contemporary anglophone Indian poets.