Henriikka Tavi Finland

Hailing from Vehkalahti, now a part of Hamina, Henriikka Tavi's (b.1978) first book Esim. Esa (Teos 2007) won the prestigious Helsingin Sanomat first book prize. Her other books include Sanakirja (poEsia 2010), Toivo (Teos 2011), Tekstinauhoja - In large, well-organized termite colonies (Poesia 2011, together with Mikael Brygger and the artist group IC-98), and the series of twelve books called 12 (Poesia 2012). She studied philosophy at the University of Helsinki and is a founding member of the co-op poetry publishing house Poesia. From 2006 until 2010 she also worked for the poetry magazine Tuli&Savu, serving as its chief editor from 2008 with Mikael Brygger.