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50 years at the cutting edge of poetry publishing

“A meeting point for poets of all latitudes”
— Víctor Rodríguez Núñez

Pere Ballart Spain

Pere Ballart, born in Barcelona in 1964, is currently Professor of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Among his books of essays, many of them award-winning, are Eironeia (1994), a global study on the nature of literary irony, El contorn del poema (The Contour of the Poem, 1998), El riure de la màscara (Laughter in the Mask, 2007), Obra vista (Exposed Brickwork, 2009) and La veu cantant (The Singing Voice, 2011), all on the role of lyric poetry in modern and contemporary literature. He also has written regularly on current literary criticism for newspapers such as El País and Avui.
