The term "Vandemonian" refers to Van Dieman's Land, and Cliff Forshaw's sixth collection focuses on its inhabitants, both human and animal, newcomer and Aborigine, to piece together a fragmentary history of Tasmania.
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Six Catalan Poets
History shows how Catalan culture has overcome critical situations far more adverse than the present. The Catalan language has not been replaced and this anthology contains four Catalans, one Valencian and one Mallorcan, who, although they lived through the tail end of the dictatorship, grew up under a democratic regime. Together, their work could not be more modern, comprehensive or polyphonic: politics and history cohabit with love (both heterosexual and homoerotic), learned allusion and popular image, stanzaic rigour and freedom of form, the song to the land of one's birth and hymn to the voyage.
Featuring the work of six of Catalonia's leading poets - Josep Lluís Aguiló, Elies Barberà, Manuel Forcano, Gemma Gorga, Jordi Julià, Carles Torner - translated by a prize-winning translator, and with an introductory essay which sets the poets within a wider literary context.
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£11.99£10.79 available
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Bloodhoof is the re-casting into compulsively spare modern verse of an ancient Eddic poem - but this only begins to hint at its attractions. It is a minimalist epic telling of the abduction of Gerdur Gymisdottir from the land of giants to the court of Freyr of the 'wolf-grey eyes', and the subsequent events culminating in the birth of her son and her hopes of being saved by her own kin.
It is full of iron-hard rocks and ice, serpents in the breast gnawing at the harness of hope, but also wide-reaching fields of corn whispering in the breeze and a throne carved with beasts and dragons-heads. You could read the whole book in perhaps half an hour but it will take many months or years to begin to clear the ghosts and long-dead heroes from your mind.
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The Scent of Your Shadow
Rooted in an ancient folk song tradition, Kristiina Ehin's poetry is both universal and deeply personal; her language is direct and simple, yet she expresses herself so vividly that her joys and sorrows become the reader's own. These poems, beautifully translated by Ilmar Lehtpere and selected from her most recent collection, were written over 2 years, beginning shortly before the birth of her son.
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Blood / Sugar
James Byrne is editor and co-founder of the poetry magazine The Wolf. Blood / Sugar is his second collection and sparkles with wit and irony.
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£12.99£11.69 available
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Wolf One-Eye
Wolf One-Eye is an extraordinary cycle of poems - magical, mysterious, sinister, funny - about exile, in which the eponymous protagonist finds himself an exile from an ancient mythological landscape in a new realm of quarks and strange universes.
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£10.99£9.89 available
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