King of a Rainy Country
Matthew Sweeney wrote this set of 50 prose poems in response to Baudelaire's posthumously published collection of prose poems (or petits poèmes en prose, as he called them).
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Atlantic Drift: an Anthology of Poetry and Poetics
Atlantic Drift publishes twenty-four poets from the UK, Ireland, USA and Canada in an exciting partnership between Arc Publications and Edge Hill University Press. This anthology seeks to highlight new and existing writing and to define/redefine the discussions between poets from both sides of 'the pond'.
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£14.99£13.49 available - Hardback
£19.99£17.99 available
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Approximately in the Key of C
"...humour and charm, and the ability to turn a poem with the seemingly simplest of images, and that understanding of how words will play over the listener's ear..."
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£10.99£9.89 available - Hardback
£12.99£11.69 available
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Those April Fevers
This vibrant collection, building on the rich strengths of The Ark Builders, also serves as a generous introduction to her work to those yet to discover her expansive visions and powerful voice.
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Tony Curtis's new collection grows out of his fascination with the everyday, the quirky, the downright extraordinary. These are poems wrapped up in love and death, friendship
and memory, madness and music - with folk at the heart of every one of them. He has a wonderful ability to express great depth of feeling with deceptive simplicity.
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£10.99£9.89 available - Hardback out of print
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"Michael O'Neill's poems often begin by cutting straight to the point. This makes for great vividness and the sense that we are right at the heart of things, allowing the poet to be learned or allusive or private without losing contact with the real. Wheel is a book of sympathy and insight that takes its place in your mind unforgettably." Bernard O'Donoghue
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£10.99£9.89 available - Hardback out of stock
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By the Hearth in Min a' Lea
Whether writing about the beautiful Donegal landscape, or as a gay man about the intense emotions of love, or about voice and events from the past that resonate in the present, or simply telling a story, Searcaigh is always honest, clear-sighted and unafraid, lyrical, tender and funny: he tells it how it is.
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What Darkness Covers
This is a beautiful and haunting book, full of things remembered and half-remembered, strange resonances emanating from the Irish landscape and way of life, and the poet's insight into a poet's existence.
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Nights Without Stars, Days Without Sun
Nights Without Stars, Days Without Sun is a collection of O'Connor's best work - characteristically bleak and quite uncompromising in its readiness to deal with human misery and despair - along with a selection of poems he wrote before he died.
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£10.99£9.89 available
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Another Nation
O'Loughlin has been a hidden voice in Irish writing; his exile in Europe has given him dark insights into our won exile in Ireland. His poetic tone is sure and clear, and certain poems in this book ... are real masterpieces.
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