Eye of the Times
Paul Celan is famous as a poet whose life and work were overshadowed by the Holocaust, and the loss of his parents in a concentration camp. There have been many translations of what is generally agreed to be his very complex poetry, each reflecting a different angle of approach to what is generally agreed to be his very complex poetry. Celan was known to have a special interest in language, in the way words work and the way in which they can be misused and can misrepresent – this is why he so often revised his poetry. Jean Boase-Beier’s particular approach to translating Celan focuses on his use of words, and her illuminating introduction and her notes contextualizing each of the poems in this chapbook are invaluable in helping the reader to their own interpretation.
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available
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Twenty Poems
This bilingual chapbook of 20 poems by the
German poet Kathrin Schmidt draws together
work from five of her six collections published
before and after the 1990 reunification of the
two Germanys, and makes for an exciting
introduction to her work. Thanks to Sue
Vickerman’s effervescent translations, we
are able to appreciate Schmidt’s irrepressible
poetic style as she ranges across the themes of
gender, identity, the body, eroticism, her own
personal history and language itself.
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available
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Diary of a Divorce
This sequence of poems about the
disintegration of a marriage and its aftermath
captures how quotidian events inexorably
contribute to the breakdown of unity, identity,
and truth between partners and how they are
reforged over time within oneself. Because of
the poet’s candour, these poems aff ord the
reader a rare understanding of the processes
at work, and at the same time are both a
lament and a reclamation.
This is an exceptional debut collection.
The whole pamphlet is heartbreakingly beautiful.
... incredibly powerful, forensic and unwavering, and of course word-perfect. I'm very taken by how unexpected so many of your turns of phrase are, the way you move between powerful punches and graceful almost-analytical perspectives. A work of art...
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available
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The Years
Winner of the Michael Marks Illustration Award
Short-listed for the Michael Marks Poetry Pamphlet Award
With a number of highly-acclaimed poetry collections to his name, this well-known poet has produced a chapbook of enigmatic and beautifully-crafted poems, each of which is accompanied by an illustration by the poet who reveals himself as an accomplished artist. This will undoubtedly be a collector's piece.
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available
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Beautiful Things
The Dutch poet, anthologist and translator Menno Wigman died in 2018 at just fifty-one, several years after being diagnosed with a rare heart condition likely caused by an allergic reaction suffered in his adolescence.
This memorial pamphlet is intended as a tribute to the poet and as a companion to Window-cleaner Sees Paintings, my selection of Wigman's poetry published by Arc in 2016.
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available
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Fate's Little Pictures
Fate's Little Pictures is the latest bilingual poetry pamphlet by Larissa Miller, published by Arc Publications.
Larissa Miller (b. 1940) is a major Russian poet and essayist, a member of the Union of Russian Writers since 1979, and of Russian PEN since 1992.
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available
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Skald - Sword & Sea-Cloud
The poet Ian Crockatt has published two superb translations of Viking poetry with Arc- Crimsoning the Eagle's Claw: the Viking Poems of Rognvaldr Kali Kolsson, Earl of Orkney and The Song Weigher: the Complete Poems of Egill Skallagrimsson, Tenth Century Viking & Skald — and in this chapbook he uses the same highly-wrought form developed by the Skalds (the professional poets employed by the kings and earls of the Viking courts of the 9th to 13th centuries) to tell a quasi-Viking tale set in the landscapes and seascapes once under Viking control — the West Coast of Scotland where he used to live, and the north-east corner of Scotland where he now lives.
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available
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Evocative, spiritual poems from a Pakistan-born poet living and working in the Scottish Highlands. Tariq Latif's work captures the moments of beauty, alienation, distance and intimacy he finds in the wilderness and remote towns of a region so often associated with emptiness, but which the poet shows us is rich with vivid life.
- Chapbook out of print
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Regarding the Next Big Occasion
Larissa Miller (b. 1940) is a major Russian poet and essayist, a member of the Union of Russian Writers since 1979, and of Russian PEN since 1992.
Author of 23 books of poetry and prose, she was short-listed for the State Prize of the Russian Federation in Literature and Art in 1999, and in 2013 was awarded the Arseny and Andrei Tarkovsky Prize.
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available
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The Black-Out Book
The Black-Out Book, the author's third book of poetry, deals with navigation in its many guises, taking points of departure from a variety of domestic, social and political contexts, but above all, attempting to chart and fix points in collective and private histories.
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available - Signed by author
£9.95£8.96 available
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